Becomes immune to all damage 7 times.
Increases Accuracy Rate.(Accuracy Rate decreases Evasion Rate.)
Protects all allies from damage reflection.
Decreases the Defense of all enemies by 60%.
Gesture of Destruction
(CD: 90 Sec)
Inflicts 70% Magic Damage on 4 enemies 2 times.
Additionally, Critical Hit will be applied, and reduces the enemy's buff duration by 3 turns.
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Eternal Sleep of Annihilation
(CD: 100 Sec)
Inflicts 150% Magic Damage on all enemies.
Burns the enemy by 600% of Magic Attack for 2 turns at a certain rate.
Additionally, inflicts 2000 fixed damage.
Yesss finally yeon hee new meta in arena, no more hero reflect yeah no more defense hero, bu to get her is diffult you can get 1 from 7x gatcha in special gatcha.
you can get more info : seven knight mobirum